Public Health Careers
Public health is about helping people to stay healthy and protecting them from threats to their health
A New Public Health Careers workspace has been developed in order to promote a better understanding of the diversity of public health careers and roles there are within 'public health'. There are a wide variety of Public Health roles and these can be found many different organisations and services that help promote and protect health.
We have aimed to pool together a range of resources from a wide variety of system partners, we hope that you will find this useful.
As this is on NHS Futures, you do need to register for a free account if you don’t have one already.
This workspace is currently still being development and should be viewed as a 'Beta' release for feedback and ongoing improvement.
The Public Health Careers Workspace contents
- Homepage with content buttons, news, twitter feeds and feedback form
- What is Public Health – (New Content from FPH)
- The domains of Public Health
- The determinants of our Health
- A brief history of Public Health
- Why work in Public Health?
- Public Health Careers
- Explanation of the Core PH Workforce
- Core Public Health roles
- Example career routes
- Public Health jobs and opportunities
- Discover Public Health (14-19 year olds)
- Explanation of the Wider Public Health Workforce
- Public Health Workforce Development
- An introduction to Public Health (In development)
- Apprenticeships
- Graduates
- UKPHR Spec Reg
- UKPHR Prac Reg
- National and Regional CPD
- Other Key Links and Resources
There is a feedback form on the home page of this resource, we would welcome your comments and suggestions on how we can improve this further. Alternatively please email Chris Sharp, Workforce Development Manager