Best practice guidance, toolkits and resources

  1. LGBT Foundation - LGBT Foundation's Training Academy- LGBT Foundation is a national charity, offering a wide range of support to LGBT+ people. The Foundation also work to improve inclusive and accessible healthcare for LGBT+ communities
  2. Stonewall- Best Practice Guidance - Stonewall are a national LGBT+ rights charity, who offer a myriad of practical guidance, toolkits and resources to support LGBT+ inclusivity
  3. Royal College of Nursing- offer a range of guidance around the fair care of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans clients/patients
  4. Promoting the health and wellbeing of gay, bisexual and MSM; Improving the health and wellbeing of lesbian and bisexual women and WSW- PHE guidance for promoting the health and wellbeing of LGB communities
  5. The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Public Health Outcomes Framework Companion Document- a resource for all those commissioning and delivering healthcare services in order to support the delivery of an equitable public health system
  6. Good practice guide to monitoring sexual orientation and trans status 2021- Produced in collaboration with LGBT foundation and NHS England, this resource provides guidance, tips and case studies for areas implementing sexual orientation monitoring
  7. LGBT+ glossary of terms
  8. LGBT Action Plan- presents the actions and overarching priorities for improving the lives and opportunitiesĀ of LGBT+ people
  9. Hidden Figures: LGBT health inequalities LGBT Foundation- a resource outlining the Health inequalities faced by LGBT communities